Being a parent means passing along good habits, such as how to handle conflict, respect for elders, succeeding in school, etc. However, we often forget to pass along lessons and good habits around money. Therefore, make 2017 the year you start building up good habits in your children financially! Gift Your Children With Money Confidence When it comes to teaching your children money lessons, the earlier the better. However, even if your child is headed to college this year, now is still a good time to start teaching the financial habits needed to become a financially successful adult. Read on →

December is known as the season of giving. However, some people have taken it to mean the season of going into debt. Don’t be one of those people who overspend over the holidays—learn how to make some extra money to help purchase gifts instead. More Money, More Gifts Putting all your Christmas gifts on your credit card isn’t the best game plan. Your better option is to pay in cash. But where can you get that cash? Read on →

During the holiday season, everyone wants to make the Thanksgiving get-together one that each person will remember. While doing so, our budget a lot of times falls by the wayside, which ends up causing more stress in the new year because of all the debt incurred over the holidays. But not this year! This year, you are going to make memories without overspending, right? Right! A Thanksgiving Budget Being a “host” or “hostess” for Thanksgiving dinner can be quite an honor. Read on →

It’s nice to escape from reality every ounce in a while—as long as you don’t go too far away from reality. Because when you veer off the road for longer than planned, that’s when mistakes happen. Don’t let this happen to your finances: Be realistic about what’s going on with your money. Time to Get Real About Your Money When we’re younger, we have an idea in our mind about how our life is going to go. Read on →

You’ve probably heard this word over and over again when it comes to being successful in your finances. What’s the word? Budget. And while we hear the word, BUDGET, and we know we are supposed to create one to keep our finances on track, how many of us are actually living out our budget on a daily basis? Stick to Your Budget So between back-to-school shopping, school fees and fall sports registration, your budget has fallen off track. Read on →

One of the main resolutions people make after every New Year’s Eve celebration usually has something to do with finances—preferably saving. If your resolution was to save more money, how are you doing in meeting your yearly goal? Did you save the amount of money you aimed for? Or have you yet to save a dime? Start turning those bad spending habits into good saving habits starting today! Time to Go on a Diet Read on →

Now that the kids are back in school, they may be trying to talk you out of making them do chores. However, chores not only give children the opportunity to make a contribution to the household, but chores also help teach them responsibility and respect. Therefore, even with school in session, it’s important to continue giving your kids chores—although you may want to modify them to fit their school schedule better. Read on →

While some of you are ready to start experiencing cooler weather and attending football games, there’s something else to get excited about this month—saving money! Saving September Have you been thinking about purchasing a new vehicle this year? Or maybe you are adding to your family and need a larger vehicle with more seats? No matter what the reason, September may be the perfect month to car shop since many dealers receive new models during this time, which means a discount on current stock to move the older models out faster and make room for new inventory. Read on →

Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Bring yourself—and your finances—back to life by learning better money management skills. Manage Your Finances While the following money management tips seem simple, it’s easy to get back in the habit of making bad financial choices. The key to making these management tips a success is sticking to it. No matter how much you want that instant gratification, the purchase is just not worth a life of debt and living paycheck to paycheck. Read on →

So, the time has finally come. Come fall, it is out of the nest and on your own, which means no one is there to hover over you to see what you are spending your money on, or to bail you out of financial issues. You are finally an adult, and are now responsible for your own funds. But don’t worry. Here, we have tips to help you make sure your first year of school is a financially successful one! Read on →