In the modern financial system, our credit scores dictate everything about the decisions we can make as borrowers. From mortgage qualifications to loan repayment schedules, anytime you need to qualify for funding, your credit score is one of the top things that lenders consider about your application. Unfortunately, credit takes time to build, effort to maintain and if something happens that dings your credit score, it can take years to repair that damage. Read on →

If you’ve ever browsed the loan offerings available at Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union, you know there’s pretty much no financial goal we can’t help you reach. From buying a car to renovating your house, we have the options you need. We also have one you may not be as familiar with: signature loans. While they’re not as common as the others, they provide lending that can help you meet short-term needs with little more than your John Hancock. Read on →

Most home purchases require a home appraisal be done to determine the property’s value as part of the mortgage process. It’s a crucial step mandated by law for many federally backed mortgages. But just what is the appraisal and what can it mean in the mortgage process? And is it meant as a protection for you, the lender or both? Read on to learn about this common and often-misunderstood part of buying a home. Read on →

The seller accepted your offer, you’ve been approved for a mortgage from Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union, and you know you love the house you’re about to buy. So, why would you want to risk throwing that all away on a home inspection that could crash the whole party? Because home inspections are an invaluable last line of protection for homebuyers that can keep you from landing yourself in a property that becomes a money pit or, far worse, threatens the health and safety of your family. Read on →

Whether you’re new in teaching of you’ve been doing it for years, being an educator can present unique financial challenges. From ensuring you can afford all the classroom supplies you need to making it through no-pay summers if you’re on a 10-month plan, there are many important money lessons to learn. To help you get on a better financial footing, we’ve collected some helpful tips that can take some of the stress out of your dollar dealings. Read on →

With the pandemic raging and varying travel restrictions in place across the country, millions of Americans opted to forego their usual annual vacations in 2020. If you’re in that group, you may also be another: those determined to have a getaway in 2021. Recent surveys found a majority of Americans hope to travel in 2021. The rollout of a couple vaccines late last year and news that more could be on the way has many people feeling optimistic about their chances for a vacation this year. Read on →

When it comes to our cars and knowing when it’s time to replace one that’s in its last miles, some people subscribe to the “drive it until the wheels fall off” school of thought. If you can tell you’re nearing the end of the road with your current ride and you don’t want to wait until the wheels really do fall off to take action, there are some signs it’s time to do something you shouldn’t ignore. Read on →

You found the house of your dreams online, you know which realtor you want to work with, and the budget is there. It seems like everything is ready to go. Then you hit the mortgage process. Between all the paperwork and approvals, the communication we have to do with the federal government and other lending agencies, getting a home loan can be a time-consuming process. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to speed it up. Read on →

The turn of the calendar is a time when we all look for ways to improve our lives, develop better habits and find ways to improve our outlook on the world. When it comes to financial resolutions you can make for 2021, for most people the best involve being better about saving for short- and long-term goals. Whether you want to build an emergency fund to help you cope better with the unexpected, work toward a goal of buying a house or new car, grow a college fund for your kids, or save for retirement, we can help. Read on →

While spring is the season when home sales really bloom, there’s no law that says you can’t move your property in winter. In fact, winter can be a wonderful time to sell your home because many people hold off listing their properties in the colder months. And there may be particular opportunity this year, with demand never flagging, despite the health and economic crisis gripping the nation, and home stock down. Read on →