While the holidays may still feel like a distant concept, the reality is that they will be here before we know it—and with them, there will be extra expenses that inevitably pop up. From workplace White Elephants to surprise winter gatherings, there are many unexpected reasons you may have to stretch your budget a bit further between now and the start of the new year. It seems like every year, the holiday season becomes about spending more and more—and the data backs up that feeling, too. Read on →

We all know how important saving money is to our sense of security and our financial future in theory—but when money is tight, doing things like building up an emergency savings fund or building up your savings account seems next to impossible. Fortunately, even when your paycheck is already stretched thin, there are smart ways you can save and (hopefully) make more room in your budget so you can start hitting your savings goals after all. Read on →

Money plays a major role in everyone’s lives in both major and minor ways. From life’s big decisions like what job you accept to the seemingly smaller ones like where you get your groceries, money plays a big factor in everything a person does in the world. While this is something that children do not necessarily understand the scope of at a young age, parents can help set them up for success by building good habits from the beginning. Read on →

No matter how much we plan, budget and save, financial setbacks can still happen when we least expect it. There can be many reasons why you may have to spend money when you were not expecting to, such as a pay cut, animal emergency or unexpected doctor’s visit. While these things are always a bummer, they can also help you and your budget come back stronger. The most important thing in the wake of an unexpected expense? Read on →

If you are in the process of buying a home, or are thinking it may be a step you would like to take in the next few years, you are likely already inundated with thoughts about the biggest factor in your search: the budget. While buying a house is a fantastic investment, it is also a major expense. Oftentimes, a mortgage will be cheaper than renting, but you have many more upfront costs as a home buyer that can temporarily offset the savings. Read on →

If you are hoping to increase your overall financial health and set yourself up for a strong future, investing in your retirement savings is one of the best places to start. The earlier you start investing in retirement, the better off you will be—and thanks to compounding interest, even small contributions can grow significantly over time. As you begin to research your retirement savings options, you will likely see the terms IRA and 401(k) thrown around most often. Read on →

If you are hoping to build up your credit score, one of the smartest things you can do is to sign up for a credit card and pay your balance off in full every month. This pattern of good borrowing behavior is a great sign to lenders that you are responsible enough to receive borrowed funds, and with each on time, in full payment, your credit score will get a nice boost in the process. Read on →

The cost of higher education has been on a steady incline in recent years, and there are no indicators that the trend is going to change any time soon. For parents with children who have their sights set on college, this means that if you are helping out your child with expenses, college funds have to be started earlier and contributed to more heavily than ever before. Additionally, many parents find themselves in this situation while also saving for their own retirement—which is quite the conundrum, indeed! Read on →

If you are building a household budget, you are likely breaking things into the common categories such as utility bills, transportation, medical insurance, recreation funds and savings. While recreation expenses and savings tend to have some wiggle room, many people assume that their bills and household expenses are going to remain at a fixed amount—but did you know that there are ways you can save there, too? Though some things may be immovable in your current situation, such as your mortgage or rent payment each month, there are ways you can save on other recurring expenses if you get creative. Read on →

You have likely seen a lot about meal prepping out there, but have you ever wondered how it could fit into your lifestyle? While planning a menu, buying bulk groceries and cooking several meals at once may sound like a lot of work, it is actually a fantastic way to save both money and time throughout the week. Investing in groceries and an afternoon spent cooking can lead to much better food choices throughout the week, removing the need for last-minute takeout or expensive, pre-packaged meals. Read on →