If you are hoping to purchase a home, you have likely been saving for some time. Most people are familiar with the requirement of a down payment to purchase a home—and because it is typically a large amount of cash upfront, it is certainly worth considering. However, the down payment is not all that is involved in purchasing a home, and future homeowners are wise to budget for all the elements involved ahead of time. Read on →

Saving money is a goal we all strive for, but it is often easier said than done. Unexpected events, months where expenses are higher than normal and fluctuating incomes can all contribute to our savings being less than what we would like, but there are ways you can quickly get yourself back on track. While the best savings strategy is a long-term one, if you are hoping to get a quick boost to your savings account balance, we have several tips for you! Read on →

When it comes to credit cards, there are certainly no shortage of options to choose from out there! Because of this, the credit card market has gotten competitive—with companies doing everything from incentivizing signups to offering incredible perks, there are many benefits you can reap the rewards of. If you commit to using a credit card for necessities and paying it off in full every month, it can be a great way to take advantage of these perks and get a little extra cash in the process. Read on →

Your credit score is a very important thing in the financial world. The score, which ranges from 300 to 850, is designed to show lenders and financial institutions your “creditworthiness”—essentially, how qualified you are to make use of borrowed funds. Having a good credit score can help you get lower interest rates and friendlier repayment terms when you have to pursue financing, so ensuring it is a good one is wise. Read on →

While there is never a bad time to set actionable goals to become more financially organized, the changing of the calendar year is often a great catalyst for making sure you have everything in order. If you are thinking about making a New Year’s resolution related to money, you are not alone! Financial resolutions are extremely common amongst Americans every year, and are a great way to get things back on track with your money management. Read on →

During the holiday season, many people find themselves wanting to give back and contribute to their communities—and that is a fantastic thing! From holiday meal trains to gifts for children, there are so many great ways to bring holiday cheer to others at this time of year. Many people choose to donate money, but the majority of Americans do not make enough money to donate to charity. Fortunately, there are plenty of other options! Read on →

Many of us are used to throwing food away regularly, but when you stop to consider the process, throwing food away is similar to throwing money in the trash! Whether you are disposing of groceries or leftovers, every bit of food was paid for at some point—and when you consider that the average American family throws out around $2,000 worth of food a year, it is easy to see how this waste can seriously add up for your wallet. Read on →

Though money is certainly a useful tool for living in our society, money stress is a real affliction that impacts many people, regardless of how much they make. Even for higher earners, costs can be a source of stress as living expenses tend to rise to meet income. For most people, money can be a major source of stress. Between paying back debts, managing monthly expenses and allocating paychecks, there is a lot to worry about. Read on →

Groceries are certainly an inevitable household expense, but boy, can they get expensive. While shopping for food to cook at home is still much cheaper than eating out, the average American family will spend over $400 a month on groceries alone. Though healthy meals cooked at home are a worthwhile investment, there are some key ways that families can bring this figure down. Read on for our favorite tips! Read on →

If you have heard the term “no spend challenge” in the past, it has likely piqued your curiosity—it did for us the first time we heard it, too! While having more money is something we all strive towards, not spending money sounds like a nearly impossible feat. However, despite its name, a no spend challenge is a bit more nuanced than simply not letting a dime leave your wallet. Read on →