Everyone knows that when you have children, it is often an expensive venture. In fact, the average American family will spend an astounding $230,000 to raise a child from birth to the age of 17. And with the recent burst of inflation, that number is almost $290,000. Here are some tips from our Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union team about how to save money when raising kids: Prepare your food in advance and at home. Read on →

In these hot summer months, it’s so easy to stack up additional expenses. Save some money and put it toward the things you want to do by following these helpful tips: Combine Your Trips to the Store Many times when you’re going to the store to “just grab eggs,” it can turn into impulsive spending. Prior to making the trek to the store, create a decisive and intentional list. Not only will this reduce impulse spending, but it will also save you money on gas for those moments when you forgot that last item. Read on →

High gas prices are a major bummer, especially during the summer months when many of us have road trips and other travel plans lined up. Though the number on your car’s miles-per-gallon sticker may seem like a hard-and-fast rule for your fuel efficiency, did you know that there are actually ways you can make each gallon go further? Whether you are heading out on an epic road trip or simply running errands around town, here are some great ways you can save on gas. Read on →

There are a lot of little expenses involved with running a household that can quickly begin to add up—buying new lightbulbs, replacing broken items and keeping things like paper towels and aluminum foil stocked can all add up! While these things certainly fall in the category of necessities, that does not mean you should pay what you have to for them. In fact, if you get savvy, there are a lot of ways you can save around the house—and we have all the tips you need to make it happen. Read on →

Though saving money is a goal we all have, determining how much to save can be a tricky thing. The 50/30/20 rule is a popular savings strategy, but saving 20% is not always the best route for every financial situation. The origins of the 20% rule come from the target of achieving financial freedom for retirement, but depending on your income, debt repayment strategy and other factors, there are other things to be considered. Read on →

A credit score is a vital part of navigating the financial world. From renting an apartment to financing a vehicle or signing up for a new credit card, your credit score impacts nearly every money decision a person makes—and because length of credit is such an important factor when calculating a credit score, the earlier you can start building this history, the better. For parents of teens, educating them about good money habits is so important—and that includes educating them about responsible credit usage. Read on →

You have likely heard plenty of unsavory statistics about the dangers of credit card debt. Over half of all credit cards in America carry a balance on them, and with some interest rates reaching as high as 19%, this can add up to a significant amount of money being spent on interest every month. However, it can’t be denied that credit cards have a lot of perks, too—from cash back offerings to travel points to exclusive offerings, being a credit card holder does have some benefits. Read on →

If you are like a lot of people, thinking of money decidedly does not bring you joy—and that is OK! There is a lot of stress, compounding interest and other negatives that are typically associated with budgeting and money management, so it is logical that many people do not have positive feelings surrounding this household chore. While we often think of expenses as the boring things—such as recurring bills, saving for a rainy day and paying off loans—it is important to consider (and prioritize) the expenses that bring you joy, as well. Read on →

The days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer, both of which are pretty exciting things. However, if you are frugal like we are, you are likely already thinking about what this means for your electric bill. While extra daylight means turning on lights later in the evening, it also means warmer temperatures that can cause your air conditioner to work overtime. Heating and cooling costs make up around half of a home’s energy consumption, and on scorching days, it may seem like there is nothing you can do to reduce your usage. Read on →

Did you know that helping the planet can be a great way to help your household save money? Many people associate eco-friendly initiatives with costly ones, but that does not have to be the case at all! Eco-friendly initiatives involve buying less, reusing items and avoiding the purchase of unnecessary goods—all of which can be smart ways for your household to save, too! The Eco-Friendly Tips That Can Help Your Household Save Reduce food waste for your household. Read on →