If you have been adulting for long, or at least pretending to adult for a while, then you probably have at least one banking account. In the age of direct deposits, it can be hard to go without a checking account. How much do you understand about the different types of accounts, though? When was the last time you looked at interest rates, long-term costs and the other terms that come along with keeping money in the bank? Read on →

Have you or your kids headed back to the classroom for a new school year recently? There is nothing better than a good long break, but it can also be nice to find your way back into a steady routine. The start of a school year often brings new expenses with it, including what can sometimes feel like an impossible list of school supplies. If you teach, supplies are likely a year-round expense, and even if you don’t, there will always be something that needs to be picked up throughout the school year. Read on →

For most of us, dealing with finances does not bring a whole lot of joy to our day. It is one of those necessary evils we have to do in order to get bills paid and keep everything on track month and month. Unless you just really love tracking your expenses and balancing a budget, keeping up with your money flow is likely a task you put on the back-burner until it can’t simmer any longer. Read on →

Is it time for a vehicle upgrade? Or are you house-hunting? Appliances on their last legs? Whatever it is, making a big purchase can be a stress-inducing event. Sometimes you can’t predict when disaster will strike and you will find yourself in need of something that is going to cost a pretty penny. When you know that a big purchase is coming up though, you can plan and prepare in order to make the purchase without wondering where your next meal is going to come from. Read on →

We all know that when it comes to finances, the more we can save, the better. But what does that really mean? How much should we be saving and what should we be saving for? Of course, there is the future to think about. The days when you are ready to be done with work and take total control of your own schedule require saving enough to survive without steady income. Read on →

You have landed your first teaching job, and the world is yours! You are going to have everything you ever dreamed about in your younger years: the house, the car and an endless snack budget. Your first job is a big deal, and while you should treat yourself to some well-deserved lifestyle upgrades, you should also make some financial choices that will help you secure a future. As you take the next step into adulthood, spend time creating a budget and start planning for every additional step you will take as you journey through life. Read on →

School’s out for summer! Time to let the kids sleep in, run through the neighborhood until they are exhausted, and eat more popsicles than humanly possible, right? Of course… that’s after they make their beds and get a little focused educational time. Even if that sounds, in the words of your children, “totally lame,” you can still find a few ways to work in some life lessons without the kids putting up a huge fight and without becoming another school teacher for them to ignore. Read on →

If you are spending your days staring at the window and dreaming about being somewhere else—well, that is a good sign it is time for a vacation! There are far fewer things better than stepping away from life and allowing yourself complete freedom to do anything you want, even for just a little while. Vacations can recharge our batteries and remind us of the everyday blessings we can sometimes get too caught up in the drudgery to see. Read on →

Creating a budget doesn’t have to be a challenging endeavor, and it can help keep your finances on track while preventing overspending. However, creating a budget when your income varies can leave you with a lot of questions. Do I have to redo my budget every single month? Should I create a separate budget for big expenses versus regular household costs? Should I become one of those extreme couponers WHO have closets full of canned items? Read on →

So you have found your soulmate, planned your ceremony and celebrated with important people as you step into the next chapter of life. Now that the wedding is over, all the big decisions are done, too, right? Well…not exactly! If you are newly married or in a fully committed relationship, it’s likely the decisions have really just begun. Now that you have chosen to share life with someone else, you have to decide where to live, who is going to handle the cleaning, cooking—and how to take on expenses. Read on →