You have landed your first teaching job, and the world is yours! You are going to have everything you ever dreamed about in your younger years: the house, the car and an endless snack budget. Your first job is a big deal, and while you should treat yourself to some well-deserved lifestyle upgrades, you should also make some financial choices that will help you secure a future. As you take the next step into adulthood, spend time creating a budget and start planning for every additional step you will take as you journey through life. Read on →

School’s out for summer! Time to let the kids sleep in, run through the neighborhood until they are exhausted, and eat more popsicles than humanly possible, right? Of course… that’s after they make their beds and get a little focused educational time. Even if that sounds, in the words of your children, “totally lame,” you can still find a few ways to work in some life lessons without the kids putting up a huge fight and without becoming another school teacher for them to ignore. Read on →

If you are spending your days staring at the window and dreaming about being somewhere else—well, that is a good sign it is time for a vacation! There are far fewer things better than stepping away from life and allowing yourself complete freedom to do anything you want, even for just a little while. Vacations can recharge our batteries and remind us of the everyday blessings we can sometimes get too caught up in the drudgery to see. Read on →

Creating a budget doesn’t have to be a challenging endeavor, and it can help keep your finances on track while preventing overspending. However, creating a budget when your income varies can leave you with a lot of questions. Do I have to redo my budget every single month? Should I create a separate budget for big expenses versus regular household costs? Should I become one of those extreme couponers WHO have closets full of canned items? Read on →

So you have found your soulmate, planned your ceremony and celebrated with important people as you step into the next chapter of life. Now that the wedding is over, all the big decisions are done, too, right? Well…not exactly! If you are newly married or in a fully committed relationship, it’s likely the decisions have really just begun. Now that you have chosen to share life with someone else, you have to decide where to live, who is going to handle the cleaning, cooking—and how to take on expenses. Read on →

“Hey Mom…we’re out of milk again!” The dreaded words no one wants to hear that can only mean one thing—it’s time to go grocery shopping. With prices these days, that can be a scary prospect. The good news is whether you are shopping for a family of five or just yourself, there are things you can do to save some money every trip. Groceries are an unavoidable part of life, so we might as well make them as economical as possible. Read on →

So you’ve just started your career, and along with learning a new job and all the other official “adulting” you are now doing, you need to also start thinking about where your money is going to go. It may feel entirely too far away to even begin thinking about retirement as you step into your career, but the sooner you start, the more secure your future will be. While taking money out of your paycheck for savings might not be the most appealing idea, saving now can mean retiring earlier—and retiring more comfortably. Read on →

Creating a savings account or building your savings can feel like a daunting, or even impossible, task. With costs continually rising for well, everything, it’s likely we are all just taking things day by day. While focusing on your regular finances is never the wrong thing to do, there are still ways you can create savings even when your budget feels tighter than it ever has. With a little creativity and commitment, you can make adding to your financial savings a regular part of your everyday life. Read on →

Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries or even just a random Wednesday: overspending for any reason is so easy to do. Making a grand display with gifts, taking the trip of a lifetime or going out for a great big meal are all things that we love to do throughout the year. If you have blown your budget recently, there are plenty of ways to get back on track without feeling too much of a long term pinch. Read on →

Budgeting can be a challenge at any age, but when you learn how to maintain your finances early, it can ease some of the pain. Teaching your kids about money can help empower them to take control of their lives, and give them a life skill they will use over and over again. And while it may feel impossible to get a teenager to listen to anything, he or she may be slightly more willing when it is something to do with money. Read on →