Have you recently been through a job loss? Or perhaps you have decided to let your second job go to ease your schedule—either way, you are likely doing a lot of thinking about how to handle your finances. There are a lot of emotions that come along with the loss of a job, and in the midst of them all, you have to find a way to adjust your budget in order to keep life going. Read on →

October might be the spookiest month of the year, but those of us who handle grocery shopping know that any trip to the store can be utterly terrifying. Perhaps that is a little dramatic, but the prices of everyday supplies have become a hard pill to swallow. Not only are the prices high, but supplies can suddenly become sparse—making planning your trips even more challenging. We can’t avoid some stores, though, and at some point, everyone will find themselves inside a grocery store. Read on →

As we get closer and closer to the holiday season, many of us may be considering taking on a second job to bolster our budget. Or perhaps you have had more than one job for a while now. Whatever your reason for snagging a side-hustle, handling two jobs can be challenging. When you work two jobs, you need to be careful to make sure you don’t overwhelm yourself and overload your schedule. Read on →

Have you started thinking about the future? Maybe the future to you only means looking ahead to the weekend, or counting down the days until your next vacation. Whatever your definition of the future is, there is never a wrong time to start planning for retirement. If you just started your first job, or even if you are several years in, retirement can feel like a far away place that you have plenty of time to prepare for. Read on →

It’s almost here…the most glorious weather that the South has to offer—fall. The trees show us the true meaning of beauty, there is still plenty of sunshine but without the overwhelming humidity and everything is pumpkin-scented or pumpkin-flavored. Even if you aren’t a fan of all things autumn, you can’t deny that the break in the heat is a sweet gift. Without the heat, you can give your HVAC a little bit of a rest, which will also lead to the sweet gift of a lowered electric bill. Read on →

If you have been adulting for long, or at least pretending to adult for a while, then you probably have at least one banking account. In the age of direct deposits, it can be hard to go without a checking account. How much do you understand about the different types of accounts, though? When was the last time you looked at interest rates, long-term costs and the other terms that come along with keeping money in the bank? Read on →

Have you or your kids headed back to the classroom for a new school year recently? There is nothing better than a good long break, but it can also be nice to find your way back into a steady routine. The start of a school year often brings new expenses with it, including what can sometimes feel like an impossible list of school supplies. If you teach, supplies are likely a year-round expense, and even if you don’t, there will always be something that needs to be picked up throughout the school year. Read on →

For most of us, dealing with finances does not bring a whole lot of joy to our day. It is one of those necessary evils we have to do in order to get bills paid and keep everything on track month and month. Unless you just really love tracking your expenses and balancing a budget, keeping up with your money flow is likely a task you put on the back-burner until it can’t simmer any longer. Read on →

Is it time for a vehicle upgrade? Or are you house-hunting? Appliances on their last legs? Whatever it is, making a big purchase can be a stress-inducing event. Sometimes you can’t predict when disaster will strike and you will find yourself in need of something that is going to cost a pretty penny. When you know that a big purchase is coming up though, you can plan and prepare in order to make the purchase without wondering where your next meal is going to come from. Read on →

We all know that when it comes to finances, the more we can save, the better. But what does that really mean? How much should we be saving and what should we be saving for? Of course, there is the future to think about. The days when you are ready to be done with work and take total control of your own schedule require saving enough to survive without steady income. Read on →