What is your dream trip? Is it a month sailing on a luxury cruise ship—or a week in a remote cabin in the mountains? Whatever it is you have always wanted to do, there is a way to make it happen. When you save, there isn’t anything that is out of your reach. Creating a savings account is important for all of us in order to ensure our futures are exactly what we want them to be. Read on →

Have you felt the fresh breeze in the air? Spring has more than sprung in our corner of Tennessee, bringing with it new flowers and the warmer temperatures that most of us love. Spring also brings the opportunity for a fresh start in our homes and our lives. Many of us engage in spring-cleaning around the home not just to clear the cobwebs, but to help make things feel fresh and rejuvenated. Read on →

How often do you talk to your kids about saving money? If your only kids have four legs and only answer in barks or meows, not talking to them about how to save money might be OK. But teaching younger generations of human children how to budget and spend money wisely is a crucial lesson they need to learn. The more we can all learn how to save, the better off we will all be. Read on →

Is retirement a far-off dream world for you, or is it getting closer and closer to being your reality? Either way, it is fair to say most of us spend a decent amount of time thinking about our future and how much we have saved to live off of when our working days are done. While saving early and often is the best way to build a comfortable retirement, there really isn’t a wrong way to prepare for your future. Read on →

Whether you have children of your own or you teach children, you know that the summer slide doesn’t refer to the recreation item commonly found on playgrounds. “Summer slide” refers to the loss of knowledge that commonly occurs in students over the summer as lessons are quickly forgotten. While parents and teachers alike do a lot to prepare students and avoid any losses over the summer break, there is another kind of summer slide that anyone with a ten-month job or a seasonal job should prepare for—the slide from regular income to a much lower (or non-existent) one. Read on →

Owning a business comes with a lot of responsibilities. Owning a business that is your second job can make keeping things running feel like walking on a tightrope with a briefcase full of rocks in your hands. That might sound a little dramatic, but the truth is we could all use a little help from time to time. Money-saving tips are a regularly trending item these days, but they don’t often apply to saving money for your business. Read on →

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? It is safe to say we all try to set some goals and build some dreams for how the new year is going to go, but how often do you make a resolution and keep it? Saving more money, or starting to save money, is a common resolution that many people make. It can also be one of the hardest resolutions to actually keep. Read on →

Is retirement something you look forward to? While there are certainly those among us who love their careers enough to never want to leave, for most of us, thinking about retirement is something that can bring immense joy. Imagining our days free of any real schedule and thinking about finally having the time to travel or learn a new skill seems like a dream, so why wouldn’t we want to start that dream as early as possible, right? Read on →

Are you an early shopper or a last-minute grab-what-you-can-find gifter? It seems like no matter when you start, the holiday season almost always sneaks up on you, filling your calendar and emptying your wallet. There are lots of hacks for saving money this time of the year, but as much as everyone loves a good money-saving hack, who has the time to sift through them all and incorporate what will work best? Read on →