Why Teachers Need a Summer Break! | Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union
School’s out…finally! And with the summer break comes an opportunity for teachers to stop and take a deep breath after a school year packed with chaos and activity.
Our team at Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union celebrates the start of summer with you—and we have some insight into how to use that extra time you have now!
Teachers Deserve a Break
Every summer, it’s the same old thing.
“Must be nice to have summers off.”—says everyone, all the time
Well, actually it is. But let’s take a look at some reasons why a summer break is so helpful for teachers.
Relaxation & Restoration
Yes, this may sound crazy. But teachers use their summer break in order to catch up on sleep.
Let’s face it—during the school year, there are many days where teachers rise before the sun and don’t come home until after dark.
Teaching, teacher meetings, award nights, in-service, field trips, lesson plans, etc.—the tasks of a teacher don’t always fit in between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. And when you’re trying to cram so many things into a single day, your sleep may suffer.
Take time during the summer for “you time,” allowing you to rest and restore your body and mind. Dedicate yourself to getting plenty of quality sleep each night, too.
Family & Friend Time
Many times during the school year, there is very little time left for our own families and friends.
Between trying to make it to our students’ events and preparing project ideas throughout the week, little time is left to focus on our loved ones.
Therefore, the summertime allows us to catch up with the family members we might have ignored many times throughout the year. Fortunately, there are tons of free or inexpensive ways to pack in family fun during the summer!
Preparation for Next Year
The summer break also offers a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the previous school year—and how we can use it to our advantage for the next.
What worked? What didn’t work? What would we like to try this school year to be better and different?
Sometimes stepping away from the classroom is a great way to really get our ideas flowing on how to be an improved, better teacher for the next class!
So, see! We may have a break—but a teacher’s work never ends.
Are you using your summer break to make a little extra money? Visit the Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union website to learn about our savings account options.