When Is It a Good Time to Start House Hunting? | Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union
The day has finally come. You are about to start on the journey to finding the perfect house.
While we know the process can be exciting, it can also be extremely overwhelming. That’s why our team at Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union wants to offer you tips on how you can make the most of your house-hunting experience from the get-go!
Are you ready to start making the most of your time when house hunting? Here’s where to start:
Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage Loan
The last thing you want to do when shopping for a new home is get your heart set on a home that’s outside of your price range. With so many homes available to buy, you want to make sure that you are only looking at homes within the price range you are approved for.
Therefore, before you get started in really house hunting, make sure you are pre-approved for a mortgage. Give our team a call to get the process started!
Make a List of Needs & Wants
When beginning the home search, you want to identify both needs and wants. The needs are your essentials—those make-or-break features in a home, while the wants are good to have, if possible.
You will likely never find a house that has everything you’d love in it, but you’re looking for one that comes the closest!
Consider the Location
Before you start looking at homes—or maybe after you’ve looked for a little bit—you want to narrow the scope of your search to specific areas.
This is especially important if you have children. With children and education involved, location is a very important part of the home-buying process.
Is there a certain school you want your child to attend? Then, you’ll want to share that information with your real estate agent and look for homes that are zoned for that school.
Ready to get started on the path toward home ownership? Give Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union to get the ball rolling!