Utilize These 3 Tips to Save Money During Summer | Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union
In these hot summer months, it’s so easy to stack up additional expenses. Save some money and put it toward the things you want to do by following these helpful tips:
Combine Your Trips to the Store
Many times when you’re going to the store to “just grab eggs,” it can turn into impulsive spending. Prior to making the trek to the store, create a decisive and intentional list. Not only will this reduce impulse spending, but it will also save you money on gas for those moments when you forgot that last item.
Take Advantage of the Extended Daylight Hours
At this time of the year, the sun doesn’t set until almost 9 p.m.! While the sunlight is out, schedule in times of the day to spend outside. In addition to helping you get in daily exercise, time outdoors can help in reducing the cost of running your air conditioning and keeping the lights turned on.
Find Free Events in the Local Area
Another great way to take advantage of these extra daylight hours is by looking for local activities in your community. Festivals, farmers markets and craft fairs are all events that get more popular when the weather is nice. Take the time to look for when and where these things are happening so that you, your family, and your friends can get the most out of these summer months.
Prepare Food and Cook Outside
Whether it’s because you have the burners on or the oven blasting, cooking can greatly increase the temperature of your home. Make a habit of cooking or grilling outside during the summer months. While reducing the work your AC will have to do to cool down the house, this can also be a fun way for you and your family to get creative with food.
Summer Should Be Fun, Not Stressful
We understand that it’s easy for bills to pile up when it gets hot outside. But if even one of these tips can be implemented, the savings can quickly and steadily add up.
Whether it’s something as simple as making a shopping list or cooking outside, these money-saving tips can be a game-changer this summer.
If you need any additional assistance building up that savings, we’re here to help! Contact us today to learn more.