Until Finances Do Us Part
I promise to love and cherish you. I promise to share my life and all that I am with you – including my finances. Yet, a Citibank survey states 57-percent of divorced couples mentioned money issues as the primary reason for their divorce.
The Power of Two
Financial issues do not have to cause your marriage problems. In fact, let your finances bring you closer together.
Open and Honest. Before you get married, have a serious discussion about your finances. Be completely open and honest with one another. Talk about everything – debt, financial goals, etc. You want to make sure you are on the same page.
Two Is Better Than One. Do not let the financial responsibilities fall on the shoulders of only one. Try to work together to supply groceries, pay bills, cover mortgages, etc. Even if you do not split the costs 50⁄50, working together will help one person to avoid feeling like it all falls on them.
Have Financial Dates. Just like you need to check in with your health every so often, you also need to touch base regarding your finances. Every couple months, make an appointment with each other to sit down and discuss your finances. Have things changed? Are you wanting to buy a house in the future? Adjust your finances as needed.
Remember, finances do not have to cause you stress. Stick together, and be the financial power couple you know you can be!