Tips to Reduce Food Waste and Save Money in the Process | Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union
Many of us are used to throwing food away regularly, but when you stop to consider the process, throwing food away is similar to throwing money in the trash! Whether you are disposing of groceries or leftovers, every bit of food was paid for at some point—and when you consider that the average American family throws out around $2,000 worth of food a year, it is easy to see how this waste can seriously add up for your wallet.
Not only is food waste bad for your budget, but it is also detrimental to the environment. The Environmental Protection Agency has found that the majority of wasted food ends up in landfills, which is entirely preventable. Fortunately, we have some smart strategies to help you avoid food waste each week, so you can have more money in your pocket and less waste in your trash can.
Smart Tips to Reduce Food Waste and Save Money
Coordinate your weekly meal plan. Meal planning is a fantastic way to save money, but if you plan out a variety of meals with a variety of ingredients, it can lead to unintended waste. Keep a list of your meal plan for the week and corresponding ingredients so you can mix and match menus that use similar items and reduce waste.
Employ the use of your freezer. The freezer is truly a food saver’s best friend! You can freeze so many foods, from leftover meals to pre-chopped veggies to extra loaves of bread and more. If you are not sure if something will freeze well, you can typically look it up on the internet to find out for sure.
Store fruit and vegetables properly. Unsurprisingly, fruits and vegetables are often the top category of food that is wasted. While produce does certainly have a limited shelf life, proper storage can go a long way in keeping it around. Some produce will do better in a refrigerator, while others will thrive longer at room temp—do a bit of research to make sure you are storing things properly to extend their shelf life as long as possible.
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