There's No Need for Holiday Stress in the Classroom! | Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union
It seems as though once fall break is over, the holiday season is in full force. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks, the students are going wild and stress is piling up for teachers.
However, it doesn’t need to be this way. Our team at Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union want to turn what could be the two most stressful months of the school year for teachers into a happy holiday season for all!
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Want to make the end of 2018 the best you can for you and your students? The first think you need to do is make sure you are taking care of No.1—you!
Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup. Therefore, you need to make sure you are doing the following in order to be the best you can for you and your students.
Eat a Healthy Diet
Now, with the holidays, you usually have a number of chances to eat unhealthy. Between Halloween candy, Thanksgiving side dishes and Christmas gatherings every other day, you are going to be bombarded with unhealthy choices.
While it’s OK to delight in some of these delicious treats, it’s also important that you maintain your healthy eating habits at least at 80 percent of the time. Therefore, if you are going to have a slice of pumpkin pie for dessert, make certain you choose lean protein and lots of veggies for dinner!
Get Plenty of Sleep
You are going to need your beauty sleep in order to make sure you are well-rested enough to handle the holiday excitement in your classroom. Therefore, if you can, try to get to sleep at least one hour earlier this winter.
By giving yourself an early bedtime, you are allowing your stress level to decrease by clearing your mind and recharging your batteries for the day ahead. Plus, this early bedtime could result in being an earlier riser, which means you could get some vitamin D on an early morning walk before you head into the classroom and tackle the day!
Remember That Kindness Wins
When celebrating the holiday season with your students, focus in on how, as a unit, you all can do something for others who might be in need this time of year.
Whether it’s having each student draw a picture for a person in a local nursing home or gathering up canned food and warm jackets for a local shelter, this winter season is the perfect time to teach your students what the true meaning of the holidays is—togetherness and giving back!
Want to be less stressed financially next holiday season? Visit the Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union website to learn about our Christmas Club Account.