The Time to Plan for Summer Vacation? Now. | Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union
It may be February, but if you’re like us, you may have sun and sand on the brain! And while Spring Break is closer than summer vacation, that doesn’t mean that now isn’t the time to start planning ahead for the summer.
Our team at Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union has a few suggestions to help you plan ahead for the summer vacation of your dreams.
Saving for That Dream Vacation
How many of you have established a strong household budget? Well, if you’re planning to start saving for a summer vacation, it’s time to bring it back out and rework it so that you can now create a column for summer spending. After all, a budget isn’t a one-time-and-done deal. It’s an evolving document that should change as your needs do. So the first step is to allocate part of your budget toward summer.
Then, if you can, open up a separate savings account for just your summer vacation. You do not want to mix your emergency account and your vacation account, because you still need to have an emergency account even after you take your vacation. So keep the savings separate.
Aim to make weekly contributions to your vacation savings account. That may feel harder than dropping in a certain amount each month, but in the long run, you’re more likely to put money away consistently if you’re on a regular schedule. You’ll also think about your savings more often—and whether you need that expensive coffee or could put that money toward the vacation!
Finally, don’t underestimate the power of a garage sale. Many people sell items to help pay off debt, so why not sell items to help save for your summer vacation? Plus, a decluttered home can be a less stressful home. So that’s a win-win!
Are you ready to start saving for your ultimate summer vacation? Visit Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union today to learn about our Share Account!