Take Steps Away From Financial Stress This Summer | Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union
School is out for summer! We don’t think anyone is as excited as teachers and students when it comes to the start of the summer season.
However, while fun should definitely be a priority for teachers, the team at Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union also wants to offer you some tips on how to save this season while you’re out of school.
Find Yourself on Firmer Financial Footing
As much as you counted down the days until summer vacation started, you also might have started worrying about the extra expenses that tend to crop up this time of year.
Fortunately, there’s no reason to be stressed about finances this summer. Especially if you have a game plan in place of how to handle your money during the break.
Start by taking a fresh look at your family’s budget. Do you have a category for entertainment? That category may need a boost for the summer months. To accommodate, take a look at other areas where you can shift money away from temporarily. Your goal should be not to add money to your budget, but instead to re-allocate it.
Also, did you save all your gift cards received from students throughout the year? If not, make a note to do so next year.
Saving all your gift cards for the summer can help you to not only have fun this summer, but do so without having to pull out cash for every expense! A win-win!
Finally, a garage sale can also be a great way to help start your summer savings off in a huge way. In April and May you were focused on end-of-school-year tasks that you probably ignored your own house. But not in June!
This month is a great time to put together a yard sale to help declutter your home from the year, as well as build some extra funds for summer fun!
What are you going to do with all those summer savings? Visit the Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union website today to learn about our various banking accounts that can help fit your financial needs.