Start Financially Preparing for Your Fall Break | Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union
Now that a new school year is in full force, you might be counting down not until the holidays, but until fall break!
Are you planning to use that week off for some rest and relaxation to recharge your batteries? Our team at Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union wants help make sure you have enough money in the bank to take the fall break vacation you deserve!
Build Up Your Travel Fund
We all need some time away every now and then. With the cooler weather, what better time than fall break to do just that?
However, whether you are planning a vacation or staycation, you want to make sure you have the financial funds to do so without breaking the bank and going into debt.
Let’s take a look at ways you can start saving money for your next break.
A Savings Account Just for Vacation Savings
Just like your retirement account, you will want to open a separate account for your vacation money. Why? Because if you see cash in your checking account, you are more likely to spend it. And, what you are really wanting to do is save it so that you have it ready for your next vacation!
Therefore, consider opening a separate savings account so that you are not at risk of spending the money that you have saved for a much-needed (and much-deserved) vacation!
Start Budgeting for Your Fall Break Today
Although fall break may not start for a little while, it doesn’t mean that you cannot start budgeting for it today! In fact, doing so can make sure you meet your financial goal before the fall break vacation even starts!
As a result, go ahead and start planning your fall break. Are you wanting to stay around town or travel? Are there excursions you want to do, or hotel costs that will be needed? You want to make sure you consider every dollar you are going to need so that you better know how much money you need to save by the time fall break rolls around.
Find Additional Ways to Make Money
Have you been needing to declutter your home? Now might be the perfect time to host a yard sale so that you can both declutter your home and put all that extra money you make toward your fall break vacation!
Also, you might want to consider tutoring after school or on weekends to help make some extra money, too, just in time for your much-needed fall break getaway!
Are you ready to start saving for fall break? Give Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union a call today to learn how we can help keep your money safe and secure!