Spring Clean Your Finances
Forget about your closet! What you really need to focus on this spring is cleaning out your finances, so you can start enjoying financial success in the future! Plus, who knows, cleaning out your finances may make room to afford a new spring wardrobe when you do start clearing out your closet!
Shake Off the Winter Finances
The sun is shining. The birds are chirping. And with these tips, your wallet could be growing!
Start this season by increasing your 401k contribution. Are you currently only giving five percent? How about trying to increase it just a tad to maybe seven percent? Or, if you need to, just by one percent to make it six. You may not fully appreciate this advice now, but you will once you go to retire.
Also, you may be through with tax season this year, but next year will be here before you know it. If you are a contract worker, prepare better for next year by taking at least 20 percent out of your paycheck each month for taxes. This way, you will not be stressed about how to pay your taxes next time around. Also, go ahead and start a file to keep receipts for next year’s deductions.
You can also combine your spring cleaning chores by cleaning out your home and seeing what you have that you do not use or need anymore. Then, have a yard sale, and put all the money into a savings account or pay off a debt! That is a great way to really refresh both your finances and your home!
Ready to clean out your financial closet? Contact us today to see how we can help!