Signs You Should Buy a Car | Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union

When it comes to our cars and knowing when it’s time to replace one that’s in its last miles, some people subscribe to the “drive it until the wheels fall off” school of thought.

If you can tell you’re nearing the end of the road with your current ride and you don’t want to wait until the wheels really do fall off to take action, there are some signs it’s time to do something you shouldn’t ignore.

Several of those are related to just how poorly the vehicle performs now, while others center on your personal situation and financing options.

Signs It’s Time to Find a New Car

Whether you opt to trade your car in, donate it or add it to your backyard version of Carhenge, it’s possible to know when the time has come to make the move:

  1. You’re financially ready to take on payments. You didn’t think we would start anywhere else, did you? It’s not like anyone really enjoys driving a car that is more hassle than conveyance. Most of us do it because we aren’t ready to take on the payments that come with a new or new-to-you car. If you’re in a position at which you feel you can handle the added monthly payment, you can feel comfortable trading up.

  2. Your car could be safer. That old beater with one functioning windshield wiper and no airbags may have been fine for another time in your life, but modern automobile safety features provide good reasons to upgrade. Whether you just want to ensure you’re as safe as possible on the road or you want to protect others who ride with you, modern safety features can be worth making the trade for.

  3. You’re spending too much repairing your car. Before the wheels actually fall off, your car is likely to give you plenty of trouble as various crucial components fail. Unless you’re spending more on repairs than the car is worth it may not be obvious when the expense is too great, but there are some expected repair costs you’ll want to keep in mind. If you’re always spending above those levels, it might make sense to make a trade.

  4. It’s unreliable. For most people, the main purpose of having a car is so they can get to work, take the kids to school and run errands. If your ride breaks down so frequently you never know if you’ll be able to do those things or it has to spend more time with a mechanic than you, that frustration alone may be enough to push you to make a move.

  5. Life changes mean you need a new conveyance. Whether you had kids, took a job that requires you to drive a lot, or moved and now have a longer commute and want to save on gas, life changes can signal the time for a new car. Believe it or not, the average car purchased in 2019 got about six more miles per gallon than one purchased in 2000, so there’s plenty of opportunity there.

If you’re ready to trade up for a new or new-to-you car, Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Credit Union can help with great, low-interest financing. Call us today to get started on the loan process.