Serving Up Some Money-Saving Advice for Thanksgiving | Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union
Our team at Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union is excited to have the Thanksgiving holiday right around the corner. A break from school, spending time with loved ones, and eating delicious food are just some of the reasons Thanksgiving is such a wonderful holiday. However, before you go rushing off to your Thanksgiving Day celebration, it’s important to take some money-saving advice with you.
Trim the “Financial” Turkey
While a traditional Thanksgiving dinner can cost around $50, all the extras that get piled on can make the feast much more expensive. Between decorations, beverages, appetizers, etc., before long that $50 feast can cost closer to $200 or $300 if we’re not careful.
Therefore, here are some ways to have a wonderful Thanksgiving meal while sticking to a budget.
First, use what you already have around your house to help decorate for Thanksgiving dinner. You probably have more than you realize that could work for decorations. Children often bring home their handmade Thanksgiving projects from school, so why not add a personal touch to your home by using their drawings and crafts for decorations around the dinner table?
Second, when you go grocery shopping for the big day, buy only what you need. If you need two cans of green beans, don’t purchase five. Should the recipe call for a can of cranberries, then only buy one can of cranberries. If you purchase a few extras of everything, then all of a sudden your grocery bill will be higher than expected and your cabinets will be housing leftover ingredients for years to come.
Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you’re hosting the meal, why not provide the turkey and ask everyone else to bring a favorite side dish, dessert, or beverage. This way everything doesn’t fall on your shoulders, and guests have the opportunity to contribute something really spectacular to the Thanksgiving feast.
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, our hours of operation will be varying during the week of Thanksgiving. Be sure to visit the Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union website to learn about open and closed hours during Thanksgiving break.