Quit Lying to Yourself About Your Finances!
It’s nice to escape from reality every ounce in a while—as long as you don’t go too far away from reality. Because when you veer off the road for longer than planned, that’s when mistakes happen. Don’t let this happen to your finances: Be realistic about what’s going on with your money.
Time to Get Real About Your Money
When we’re younger, we have an idea in our mind about how our life is going to go. Millionaire by 30 years old. Life insurance is for age 60 and beyond. And so on. While our dream may appear to be the winner, the real winner is reality. Therefore, it’s time to turn the tables on our dreams by facing the reality of our finances.
For starters, go ahead and get the idea of being a millionaire by 30 out of your head. If this happens, great. But if not, that’s OK, too. Just like Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither was wealth (but it would be nice if it was). And quit thinking that because you don’t make a higher income that you can’t be a millionaire one day. You can!
It’s not necessarily how much you make that matters, but how you handle your finances. As soon as you start your first job and receive that first paycheck, begin thinking about retirement, savings, etc. Even if you’re only able to set aside $10, still put some money back. You need to start somewhere, and what better time than now?
Also, quit seeing money as evil. Money is a tool that is helping you live the life that you want, if used the right way. Create a goal list, and start working toward those goals. You may only be able to eat out once or twice a week. In the end, you will have saved enough money for your child’s education or to retire at a younger age than most. Wouldn’t that be worth more than a dinner out for an hour or two?
*Are you ready to start handling the truth your finances are trying to tell you? Visit our website at www.cbctfcu.com to learn how we can help you tackle your finances!*