How to Save Money This Summer, the Coupon Way | Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union
The team at Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union understands how important it is to save every penny where you can. One of the most popular ways of saving money, especially when grocery shopping, is by using coupons. But how can you save money this summer with coupons while also not wanting to pull your hair out?
Coupons Made Easy
While you might think the Sunday morning newspaper is your “go to” to make using coupons a success, it’s important to remember not to throw all your eggs into one basket. For example, avoid just sticking to one newspaper (such as your Sunday morning paper). Try to obtain subscriptions to various newspapers that hold the best advertisements. Also, don’t be afraid to ask friends for their ads, too, if they’re not going to use them.
Plus, there are many places online that allow people to print the same coupons that are in the weekly newspaper. So, when surfing the web, don’t forget to surf around for coupons, too!
Also, you want to get organized. How many times have you been through the checkout line only to realize you left your coupon for a certain item at home? Well, coupons only work if you bring them with you! Prevent this from happening by keeping your coupons organized in a notebook that you can take with you when shopping. You can organize the coupons as you do your grocery list, even categorizing them by aisle or area of the store. If you happen to have more than one coupon for a product, be sure that you watch the expiration dates and use the coupon that is going to expire first.
Are you putting the money you save with coupons into your holiday spending budget? Visit Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union to learn about our savings account option to help you put your extra money back until Christmas.