How to Deal With Financial Stress
You may think, “How in the world am I under so much financial stress already this year?” Well, for starters, just because you made a resolution to do better money-wise in 2017 doesn’t mean that the finances of 2016 didn’t follow you into the new year. But you can get your financial stress under control.
Goodbye, Financial Stress. Hello, Financial Freedom!
Honestly, do you know exactly where each dollar of every paycheck goes? If you don’t, that’s problem No.1. Make an appointment with yourself this week to go over your finances. How much do you bring home a month? How much are your monthly bills? Are you overspending on your credit cards? Is there anything you can remove from your monthly expenses? Maybe switch from cable to Netflix? You need to know where every dollar is going.
Also, things happen in life. You can almost expect for something negative to happen at least once a year, whether it’s the refrigerator breaking, the car driving its last mile or an unfortunate accident that leaves you out of work for a few days without pay. Therefore, it’s important to have an emergency fund in place to avoid added financial stress. With the help of an emergency account, you’ll know that when these problems occur, the money is available to cover the costs.
Do you feel as though your financial stress has gotten the best of you? Take control by giving CBCTFCU a call to learn how we can help you get your finances back on track.