How Can Teachers Make It a December to Remember? | Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union
Can you believe we are already at the end of 2018? It seems as though this year has flown by, and now it is time to get ready for the beginning of another.
But before you start making your resolutions for 2019, our team at Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union wants to help you survive the end of this semester.
Parties, Report Cards, Holiday Gifts…Oh My!
It’s all too easy to feel overwhelmed in December, with kids acting all crazy before the holiday break and last-minute details to take care of.
Fortunately, there are steps you can take to finish out the year in style:
Focus on Your End-of-Year Goals
What are you hoping to accomplish before the ball drops on Dec. 31? Lesson plans completed for the new year? Activities planned out and ready to be executed? Getting some rest and relaxation over winter break to be better ready to conquer the new year?
No matter what your goals are for the end of 2018, use this time to focus and get those items checked off your to-do list to end 2018 on the right foot and start fresh in 2019!
Celebrate the Holiday With Students
Is thinking about celebrating the holidays with your school kids stressing you out? Keep things in perspective.
If you’re teaching little kids, the holiday party does not have to be a huge affair. Your students do not need a fancy party. They just want a chance to hang out and celebrate with their friends before school closes for winter break.
A holiday craft or two and plenty of good snacks will help your kids end the semester with a smile on their face!
Teaching older kids? Celebrate with your classes in smaller ways, like handing out candy canes or breaking out a fun activity or two the last few days.
How do you plan on starting the new year? Visit the Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union website to learn how we can help you meet your financial goals.