Do You Hear Those Sleigh Bells Ringing? | Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union
We know it sounds crazy. Right now everyone is just trying to get back into school mode, and our team at Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union is bringing up the holiday season! Are we nuts?
Well, believe it or not, talking about the holidays right now isn’t too far of a stretch, since Christmas is just over four months away. Therefore, we want to talk to you about holiday saving now so that when the shopping days of November and December arrive, you and your finances will be good to go!
Get a Jump on Holiday Savings
It never fails. You get to the holiday season, and you wish you would have started saving weeks before. Well, now is your chance to do like you have always wanted to—save now before the holidays are officially in full swing!
Let’s take a look at some ways you can get to saving ASAP:
Start Shopping Now
Why wait to buy everyone’s gift at once when you can start working on your holiday list now? While there are good deals around the holidays, most of the time there are just as good of deals now.
Therefore, especially if it is an item you know won’t make a difference if bought now or closer to Christmas, go ahead and grab it now! That way you don’t have to wait and buy everything at once.
(The key is just to remember where you hide it. 😉)
Put the Holidays in Your Budget
The great thing about a budget is that it can always be rearranged. Establish an amount of how much money you want to spend over the holidays. Then take that amount and divide it by the number of paychecks you have between now and the holidays. That is how much money you will need to save per paycheck toward your holiday savings goal.
Now, remember to include all holiday expenses. You don’t just want to include presents. It should be presents, as well as decorations, cards, travel, etc—everything you will purchasing over the holidays needs to be included in your holiday budget!
Did you know that Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union offers a Christmas Club Account? Contact our team today for information!