Budget-Friendly Family Activities for Fall | Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union
Fall is in full effect and the festivities have begun! Autumn festivals, corn mazes and Halloween parties are in full swing. While these things are fun to do, admission prices, costumes and additional expenses can all add up.
At Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union, we believe that anyone can have fun, on any budget. Before breaking the bank on fall entertainment for your family, consider these free (or very inexpensive) activities!
Find Local Budget-Friendly Activities
Free and inexpensive local events can oftentimes be found right here in Cleveland. With a little digging and preparing beforehand, you can absolutely save money on a family outing.
Make Something Delicious
Who doesn’t love the flavors of fall? Between pumpkin spice and apple cinnamon, everyone is sure to find a delicious treat that is sure to please! Bonus—you likely already have most, if not all, of the ingredients on hand.
Instead of venturing out on chilly days, stay inside, enlist your family and bake up a yummy dessert. Even when it’s cold outside, homemade pumpkin ice cream hits the spot. If your family prefers something warm, maybe a nice pumpkin pie or batch of apple cider donuts will do the trick!
When baking with your family, enjoy the time together. Yes, you’ll get a scrumptious treat afterward, but the time spent together is the most important.
Enjoy Nature
Tennessee is one of the most beautiful places in the fall time. Year-round, residents get to enjoy the scenic state’s mountains and rivers. In the fall, the foliage turns beautiful shades of orange and yellow—giving wonderful views to whoever is near.
There are many benefits to spending time in nature. The next time you’re looking for some inexpensive family fun, check out a hiking trail or a nature reserve. Pack a picnic and enjoy the scenery!
Spending time with family is so important, but depending on the activities you choose, it can be expensive. Instead of shelling out money every weekend, give one of these free (or cheap) options a try to get in your well-deserved family time!
For help managing your money, contact us today to work with a local credit union that works for you!