Back-to-School Tips for Teachers | Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union
The team at Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union knows how crazy getting back into school mode can be for teachers. Check out these tips on how to make the process easier.
Start the Year Off Right!
One of the best things about a new school year is that it’s a completely fresh, new start. A new class, a new year, a new way of thinking. It’s time to take the lessons you’ve learned over the years and put them to good use with this new class.
Start by ensuring you have a straight-forward lesson plan that you will carry out throughout the year. Make sure you also have a discipline plan. You know what worked and didn’t work last year. This year, make sure everyone is on the same page and has the same consequences for their actions. That way when children see other classmates break rules and get punished appropriately, they will know that is what will happen to them if they don’t follow the rules.
Also, create an atmosphere of learning and of fun! Make sure you add colors and help make your students feel welcome in their new classroom. For younger kids, you can even add their names to their desks or create a little letter for their desks, welcoming them to your class and telling them about the excitement you have for the new year!
Finally, just remember, structure is as much needed by you as it by your students. A routine helps students know the expectations placed on them. It can also help them to transition easier from topic to topic instead of having a hard time focusing on various subjects. Therefore, you help your students have less anxiety and you feel less stressed—just by establishing some ground rules and structure for your classroom.
*Are you already thinking about saving for next school year? Visit Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union to learn how you can start a savings account to do just that.*