Back-to-School Chores
Now that the kids are back in school, they may be trying to talk you out of making them do chores. However, chores not only give children the opportunity to make a contribution to the household, but chores also help teach them responsibility and respect. Therefore, even with school in session, it’s important to continue giving your kids chores—although you may want to modify them to fit their school schedule better.
Mix It Up
Family meals are important. Aim to eat dinner as a family most days of the week. Have your children assist with dinners by setting the table and cleaning up afterward. You can also give your kids age-appropriate tasks in preparing dinner—as a bonus, they’ll be more likely to eat up when they’ve helped prepare the food!
While school, homework and extracurricular activities can take up a lot of your kids’ day, they will have some extra time once in a while. And while you don’t necessarily want them washing the floor every extra minute they have, you can ask them to help with dusting, vacuuming and cleaning their rooms on weekends.
Are you wondering where your child can put his or her chore allowance? Contact our office today to learn more about our A+ Student Share Account, which is designed for student members between ages 16 and 25.