Add $1,000 to Your Savings—the Easy Way! | Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union
Chances are by now that you have completed a good bit of your holiday shopping. Therefore, the team at Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union wants you to switch your mindset from holiday spending to lifetime saving. We want to challenge you to start working on putting $1,000 in the bank for a rainy day.
A Better 2018 for Your Finances
No matter how much you have in savings, it’s always a good idea to put away more. Read on for some tips on how to get an extra $1,000 in the bank as soon as possible!
First, create a budget. Without a budget, how do you know where your money is going? Are you just flying blind? You wouldn’t want your pilot to do that. Rather, you would want your pilot to know exactly what button goes to what control.
Therefore, you need to know exactly where your money is going. You might find that you’re spending a lot more eating out than you realized, while also still spending quite a bit at the grocery store. Even just making small adjustments here and there on where your dollars go, you might find you have extra money in the bank already to help put toward your $1,000 emergency fund.
Second, did you find “extra income” to help you with funding Christmas this year? Is it a job that you can continue doing throughout the year? If you’re able to manage it, try continuing to use your side gig for assistance in setting up your emergency fund quickly.
Finally, did you receive a holiday bonus? Or are you getting a raise in the new year? Instead of spending it immediately on something you can live without, why not put it in the bank so that you have it for a rainy day? We all can live without a brand-new television, but it’s hard to live a life in debt. Make a decision to choose financial freedom and safety over materialistic things in 2018!
Do you need a place to keep your “rainy day” emergency fund? Stop by Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union today to learn about our Share Account.