6 Money-Saving Tips for Fall | Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union
Whether you’re just trying to get on a better financial footing, are facing uncertainty due to pandemic-related turmoil or you want to have money to cover the holidays, fall is a great season to find ways to save. Keeping more money in your pocket doesn’t have to mean major lifestyle changes, though.
Here are a few simple changes you can make to boost your bottom line:
Do your own yard work. We know, it can be so much easier to let someone else do those outdoor chores, but if you’re looking to save some money and able to do the work yourself, it can keep some dough in your pocket.
Look for sales. There’s seasonality to retail sales and knowing the calendar can help you get the best deals. For fall, outdoor grills, old iPhones and summer clothing typically go in clearance.
Get your PSL fix at home. Plenty of people look forward to fall for the return of the pumpkin spice latte, but those daily (or more than) stops add up. To save, make your own pumpkin spice lattes.
Find the free activities. This one may actually be easier this year with so many things closed or otherwise inaccessible. The tip is simple: Check out local mommy blogs, talk to the chamber of commerce or work with friends to create a list of free activities for filling weekend days.
Turn the HVAC off when you can. For days when you think you can maintain a comfortable indoor temperature without it, not running HVAC can make a big difference in your utility bill. If you come home from work and find it’s too hot or too cold in the house, turn the HVAC back on and let it do a correction; just having it off during the day can make a big difference.
Stock up on school supplies. It’s easy to just think about what you need to get your kids back into class without considering what else they’re likely to need the rest of the year. However, with significant sales on those materials in August and sometimes into September, fall is the time to create a school supplies stockpile.
For more help and advice for saving money, our friendly and knowledgeable Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union associates are always ready to assist!