4 Ways to Boost Your Credit Score This Summer | Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union
Summer’s not quite over yet! You still have time to take positive steps toward better financial health.
One way to do that? Follow these tips from our team at Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union about how to raise your credit score.
How to Improve Your Credit Score
A high credit score is beneficial to your finances, especially when you’re looking to purchase a new home or car. Let’s take a look at steps you can take to improve your score.
Pay Your Bills on Time
Are you good or bad about paying your bills on time? If it’s the latter, then it’s time to start making it a point to pay your bills on time every time.
When you pay your bills late, your credit score takes a hit. Therefore, by just starting to pay your bills earlier, you are able to improve your credit score!
Use Your Credit Wisely
Are your credit cards maxed out? If you are using most of the credit available to you, then you are actually negatively impacting your credit score.
Therefore, work on paying off your debt on your current credit cards in order to boost your score. The best strategy is to try and put small purchases on cards regularly, then pay it off the same month.
Don’t Cancel That Card
Think you should cancel your credit card once it’s paid off? Think again!
Having open accounts with no current balance is a good thing in many cases. Your credit score takes into account the history of credit payments, so the longer you keep a card, the better.
Limit Credit Checks
When you’re looking to buy a car or obtain a mortgage, they’re going to pull your credit report. But each time that’s done, it shows up on your credit report.
Therefore, be picky about how often you let your credit score get checked. Make sure you are really ready to make a purchase or obtain a loan before letting the company check (and ding) your credit score.
Use the online services available through Cleveland Bradley County Teachers Federal Credit Union to stay on top of your finances so that you can improve your credit score each month!